Friday, August 1, 2008

Something to ponder upon

I received this from a fellow homeschooler who lives in a nearby town. I was inspired to share this with you readers as I struggle to live this virtue and to lead my children to it.
God Bless you all.

JMJ From Our Church Paper........
Modesty is one of those words that we often hear, but probably cannot formulate on our own a good definition. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes modesty as "refusing to unveil what should remain hidden" (CCC 2521). This definition comes from the article detailing the ninth commandment; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife and it is expressly referring to the way we dress and the battle for purity. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says "Everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in her heart" (Matt. 5:28). It is notable that Jesus directly addresses men for he knows full well that men are attracted to women first through what they see. Women in turn are generally not as visually oriented in finding a man attractive. It is then a lifelong battle for Christian men to maintain custody of their eyes, for the devil uses images then thoughts to lead to the addictive sins of pornography and sexual immorality.
Sin affects the whole Body of Christ, the Church. We are all responsible for helping our brother and sister in the Lord to live moral lives. Unfortunately how women typically dress today does not reflect that love that one should have for her Christian brother. When clothing reveals more we should stop and ask why is that. We cannot blame the hot weather because typically it is only women who bear their midriffs, have low necklines, expose their back, or wear high slit dresses. It should be obvious that these are designed to attract the attention of men. Unfortunately what such clothing really says is "I am an object; and I want you to look at me." The truth is that women are made in the image and likeness of God and share in that dignity. To reduce oneself to an object to be reveled at does not befit the dignity of a human being.
We really have to be countercultural in our dress for the media and designers are bombarding us with images of the female body that do not equate with what we believe as Christians. We all have a responsibility. Women need to seriously examine what they wear. Husbands, fathers, and brothers, need to lovingly request of their loved ones, please do not wear that. I do not want others looking at you as if you were just a pretty object.
God Bless You, Deacon David Cybulski