Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To hire help or not to hire help

My husband and I were fortunate enough to attend our states home school conference this weekend. It was filled with lots of books that inspired projects and excitement of next years new adventures. We picked out a new math program all together that I am super jazzed about and found some great catholic fiction for the kids to read ( I can't seem to keep enough books in the house for them at any given time)
There were some awesome speakers at the conference as well. I was hoping to attend all of them but only made it to two. I find that listening to speakers is always a source of great inspiration for me. It's great to get a fresh perspective on things and a bit of a kick start. One of the talks was Laura Birquest on Homeschooling from toddlers to teens. It was surprising to hear her say that the age group I am schooling is the most challenging. I don't know why I was surprised but it was weird to hear somebody say that. My kids are newborn to 9 years six in all.
This talk full of some pretty good ideas complied with both my husband and dad giving me the run down on how I need to hire help around the house has left me at a loss. I still feel like I should be able, with the help of my children , to take care of my house and other responsibilities. I have yet to read a book or a blog for that matter of a homeschooling mom that has hired help. For me I can't help but think its a lack of order in my life that has put me in the boat I'm in. Granted I have been trying to dock this boat various ways for 9 years but hey when you have kids as fast as I have life changes quickly. I am so conflicted.
Any feed back would be appreciated on this one girls. Especially by fellow homeschoolers that are or have dealt with this scenario.

1 comment:

Coffee -Tea ! ya think ? said...

Kelli you are a wonderful Mother
and Wife to your husband and I sure Your Father is Very Very Proud of YOU and all that you do
your deternation is Stead Fast and I'M sure that even Wonder women would have to land some where once ina while and Take a break. It's OK to ask an seek help for the good of the Whole ( Family )
if you hire Help think of the Quality time that you could spend with Family doing What ever. at leaset give it a try for a month or two . and you'll be help some who need the Money
hey ya always could hire an older guy to cut your lawn or something
anyway . good luck