Thursday, April 24, 2008

The best of intentions

The most basic of responsibilities can be a challenge when pregnant. Add to that homeschooling and getting caught up with that damn laundry and you can forget it. I'm dragging so bad right now. The laundry is still piled high but my kids got an education today. Each of them actually received a monumental amount of my attention with their studies. So I can at the very least look back and say hey they got smarter today even if they are half naked. JK!!!
My oldest daughter will be receiving her first communion in two more weeks so we have been really discussing the Eucharist and what It means to us. During this conversation we touched a little on the institution of the rest of the sacraments. Baptism came up and I asked her when Jesus gave that sacrament to us. She stood up and quoted scripture verbatim. Down to the clouds opened up and God spoke. The girls got it down. I was brought to tears. Its those rock awesome moments that remind me that I can do this and hey I'm not to bad at it either.
The rest of the kids all had remarkable moments like this today in various subjects. What a gift God has given me. Even the baby has been making sure he gets my attention with lots of wiggling. I think he got my dancing genes.
Now I'm off to shower and changed so that my husband recognizes me when he gets home from work today.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That is awesome Kelli. It is in those moments that we realize "hey maybe I am doing something right" ;)
I can't wait to meet the new little man!! When are you due again?