Monday, April 7, 2008

The perfect mother

The perfect mother. Who is she? How does she handle the everyday situations of her motherhood? What does she do in those tense situations when the child just won't obey? Or is it that the perfect mothers children always obey?
As a woman who loves Mary the mother of Our Lord I often ask myself " Did Mary ever raise her voice at the child Jesus when he did something naughty?" Did Jesus as a child do things that were naughty? Hum, this is a puzzling question for me.
I am not a perfect mother. I fear there are those in my life who think I am. I really don't want to be thought of as something I am not. It puts in place all kinds of expectations that I know I just can not live with or up to for that matter. I yell far to often at my kids for my liking and I know it is so because I hear my tone and frustration in their voices when they are correcting each other. I hate that part of myself. I know in my head the better way to handle the situation. Get up from what ever task it is I am performing, go to that child, and direct them with my full attention to what I desire to be done. Now most days that is easier said than done. I do have 5 little bits running around right and the little guy in my belly has slowed me down considerably now that he is 8 months along. I still can't help but believe their has to be a better way though and that like in all things in my life, I can do better.

Holy Mother,
Pray to your loving Son that he will grant me the patience and the graces necessary to be a good mother to the little children he has put in my charge. I desire to please Him in all things.


Stephanie said...

My dear friend,
There is no "perfect" mother. There is no perfect person for that matter. If we spend our times trying to be a perfect mom and impressing other people than who are we really living for? You are a wonderful person, a great friend, and a fabulous mother!! All moms yell at some point, and if they tell you they don't then shame on them for not being honest;) I wish I didn't yell as much too, it turns into a vicious circle of ill mannered talking. This is what I do: When I find myself being a real jerk I stop and just appologize to my girls. When I hear myself asking for forgiveness it makes me smile because not only am I teaching them to ask for forgiveness when in the wrong but I am also learning myself. Learning that we all make mistakes, we ask for firgiveness and try a little harder the next time. Oh and another one is to remember that they are only little kids and that we were once just like them, learning, exploring, and yes geting into trouble. It really helps to put yourself in their shoes, at least it has for me:)) Just remember I love Ya friend and am always here for you, call me whenever. I love knowing that I have you as a friend!!
Wow that was a really long comment....sorry;)

Ruthie said...

One of the best lessons I have learned as a mother is learning to extend grace not only to my children, but to myself.