Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Thursday

Tonight we will attend Holy Thursday Mass. In the Catholic Church the priest will commonly wash the feet of 12 volunteers to re enact Christ washing the feet of His apostles. I have seen this done many times since my conversion to the church. At first it seemed odd and uncomfortable. As my faith has grown, I have learned to better appreciate where
Christ was coming from and what he was preparing his followers for. I am in awe of his love for them and for us.

The institution of the Most Holy Eucharist is however the main attraction of the night. In our church we believe that Christ was literally telling his friends that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood in order to have life with in them. When I converted to the faith this was a sticking point for me at first. Its when I realized how appalled they were at his words that I seen he truly meant what he said. They actually left him there. Christ would not relent. He wouldn't explain his analogy like he had before in other teachings. There was no story to teach the lesson here. It is what it is. God has no boundaries. There is nothing he can not do. Why then could he not do this?

The sacrament of The Eucharist is the most beloved of all our Sacraments. (gift from Christ) It is in this sacrament that Christ feeds our bodies. He becomes a literal part of our physical beings not just a spiritual part. The spiritual connection to Our Lord is found all around us. In our prayers, the wind, the flowers, the faces of our loved ones. The Eucharist is the only time he comes to us Body and Soul.

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for this most precious gift of your Son. I pray that I will be made worthy to receive Him in the most Holy Eucharist. That in receiving Him I will be molded into what you want me to be. That I will be transformed into a light of Your love to this world. It is my prayer Lord that I will be worthy of the promises of Christ and one day kiss Your feet in heaven and fall before Your glory for all eternity.

In the name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit,


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